
Do you want to ask us a question about a book, its cost, availability or style? Please visit our inquiry page, where you can ask us anything you’d like to know before ordering. We will reply promptly.

We have access to hundreds of thousands of books, and can get you nearly anything that is in print. If you are ready to place an order, please tell us what you’re looking for via the secure form below.

You will receive a personal email confirmation shortly—usually within a few hours, and always within a day (except on Sunday when we are closed). If you do not get an e-mail back to verify your order please contact us.

– Byron & Beth Borger

  • Order Information

    You are placing your order on a secure server. If you only want to request information, please visit our inquiry page. If you would rather pay for your order over the phone, please call us at (717) 246-3333 to give us your card information. Please enter the book name(s), author(s) if known, and the quantity for each in the text box below.
  • Shipping Information

  • We can ship via UPS or the (usually) less expensive US Mail. We judge which is best as we consider weight, distance and so forth. If you have shipping preferences, just let us know.
  • Billing Information

  • If you select the check option, we will send you an invoice with your order. Unlike most e-commerce sites, we are trusting folk, and quite willing to simply enclose a bill and a return envelope for you to send back a check. Easy, huh?
  • We accept Visa, Mastercard, Discover and American Express.
  • The verification code is the last 3 digits on the back of your card (Visa, MC and Discover) or the 4 digit number on the front of your Amex card.