I’ll try to make this a quick BookNotes, but I wanted to suggest a few titles — including one brand new, long-awaited, short and spectacular one called Easter: The Season of the Resurrection of Jesus by Wesley Hill, the follow up to the very nice first book in the “Fullness of Time” series called Lent: The Season of Repentance and Renewal by Esau McCaulley. I didn’t list the Easter one with our previous Lenten list since, well, you know. It seemed early, like highlighting Christmas or Epiphany books even before Advent. But I’ll review it below, now, gladly.
And we simply must first go through the sober time of Lent and the hard Holy Week as we live into the paradoxical story that out of great sadness and death comes the very end of Death; in the unmerited suffering of Jesus (and the subsequent resurrection) the world’s disorder is transformed and creation is restored as His Kingdom of shalom and grace takes hold. In the tragic story of Holy Week there is hope, but we can’t avoid the hard parts just to sneak to the joyous triumph.
During a recent Zoom Lenten class I’ve been doing for a far-away church I quoted from Aaron Damiani’s Moody Press book The Good of Giving Up: Discovering the Freedom of Lent in a part when he worried that we are sometimes half-hearted or awkward on Easter Sunday.
Damiani writes:
In many cases it’s because our imaginations have been malnourished along the way to Resurrection Sunday. We have been secretly snacking on lesser stories — such as politics or our children’s athletic success. In theory the gospel is compelling, but in reality we would rather pay attention to whatever Netflix is offering. We are so full on the junk food of our culture that we cannot metabolize the feast on our Easter plates.
Oh, my.
I’m reminded of a portion from Eugene Peterson’s classic on the Psalms of Ascent, A Long Obedience in the Same Direction noting how our culture too-often wants to avoid suffering;, even talk of grief and sadness is awkward, especially if it goes on “too long.” (This goes on still, today, I think, despite the strides we’ve made in honoring those of us who cope with mental health struggles, depression and the like.) Yet, Peterson reminds us that in so many Psalms — think of the opening lines of Psalm 130 — the Psalmist doesn’t hide or cover-up his anguish. It is voiced as prayer and, Peterson says, “…in suffering we enter the depths; we are at the heart of things; we are near to where Christ was on the cross.”
This is not a simple strategy for finding relief from our distress, some of which, for some of us, is patently horrific. And if Augustine is right that sin serves to curve us in on ourselves, in Christ we must also develop the capacity to bear some of the wounds of the world, as well. It hurts — our pain and the suffering of others — and there is no end in sight. And yet, Peterson is right: when we embrace such grief we are at the very heart of things.
Which is what our fasting and prayer and silence and solitude and Lenten vespers services help us with, experiencing our union with Christ in a way that focuses on His suffering, and the suffering heart of God. I would like to believe it is what devotional reading in this season can help us with.
And so, before my rave review of the little Wes Hill Easter title in the “Fullness of Time” series, let me offer you another chance to pick up a book or two for your Lenten reading over the next few weeks.
As I reflect on the Lenten lectures I did and ponder my own soul these dark days, here are a few resources that arise in my mind. In some cases we don’t have many left, so order now if you want.
As always, just click on the ORDER link at the bottom of the column. We’ll write back, assuring you that we’ll take care of the rest, discounts and all.
A Just Passion: A Six-Week Lenten Journey (IVP) $12.99 // OUR SALE PRICE = $10.39
I have recommended this before and as I dipped into it over and over the past few weeks I was again delighted and want to press it into your hands, insisting that it really is worth having. It is a lovely little book, a great resource. Here is how it works.
A Just Passion offers a page or two a day from a previously published IVP author. They very wisely found these brief excerpts and arranged them in a flow, week by week, with breath prayers and a small litany for each week. It is handsomely arranged, brief, and potent.
The voices chosen do what IVP does well: they represent the broader swatch of beautiful orthodoxy, solid and mostly evangelically-minded writers who each have a way of rooting a care for the world in the core of the radical gospel of the Kingdom of God. This book is just wonderful in showing the relationship of Jesus and justice, reconciliation and racism, poetry and politics, liturgy and life. (Okay, enough with my alliterations. Ha.) These Lenten devotions are from some of the finest writers working these days and they include many people of color, lots of women, a variety of ages and social locations. It is a wonderful guide to Christ our liberator and how His passion and suffering points us to the redemption of the world.
As the editors put it, A Just Passion has been curated to hold in tension the immense weight and hope of Lent. The Scriptures, by the way, are often in the First Nations Version.
You will find here authors such as poet Drew Jackson and activist Donna Barber; the elder evangelical justice leader John Perkins and the younger, passionate Marlena Graves. From Dominique DuBois Gillard to Ruth Haley Barton, From Eugene Peterson to Soong-Chan Rah, from African American counselor Sheila Wise Rowe to Palestinian pastor Munther Issac, from black Anglican Esau McCaulley to the excellent writer Natasha Sistrunk Robinson, and more and more, these are authors you should know and whose brief reflections will offer you a great insight into the meaning of Lent and remind you of the ave of taking time to ponder these things this month. Highly recommended.
A Different Kind of Fast: Feeding Our True Hungers in Lent Christine Valters Paintner (Broadleaf) $19.99 // OUR SALE PRICE = $15.99
We only have a few of these left but it has been popular among some of our friends these past two years (So much so that while is it designed as a Lenten read, we keep it handy on the shelf all year round.) Illustrated with very cool woodcuts by Kreg Yingst (author of the excellent, creative, moody and colorful Everything Could Be a Prayer) this gentle compact-sized devotional workbook is designed to help us clarify our true hungers even as it invites us to counter-cultural practices that will help make us whole and nourish our souls.
If fasting is an act of letting go, of making more intentional interior space to lisent to Divine whispers, then her invitation and exercises are helping us let go of toxic or hurtful habits and replacing them with an expansive, risky, playful, faith-oriented perspective. For instance, here are a few or the entries — formed as invitations or challenges — from the table of contents
- Fast from Consuming — Embrace Simplicity
- Fast from Multitasking and Inattention — Embrace Full Presence to the Moment
- Fast from Scarcity Anxiety — Embrace Radical Trust in Abundance
- Fast from Speed and Rushing — Embrace Slowness and Pausing
- Fast from Holding It All Together — Embrace Tenderness and Vulnerability
- Fast from Planning and Deadlines — Embrace Unfolding and Ripening
- Fast from Certainty — Embrace Mystery and Waiting.
I bet some of these invitations intrigue you, eh? Come on!
A Way Other Than Our Own: Devotions for Lent Walter Brueggemann (WJK) $16.00 // OUR SALE PRICE = $12.80
What more can I say about the prolific and energetic and evocative Walter Brueggemann. He can throw in a line or phrase that will stick with you perhaps for years. The prayers are generous and poetic, the readings short. In my last Lenten class I read out loud two, just to give participants a taste; one seemed quintessential Brueggemann — “On the Road Again” about the way in which a journey from safety through risk is sort of paradigmatic in the Bible, starting with Abraham and Sarah. He says we are “in their wake” and we must travel “beyond safe places the gifted end that God intends, hopefully to be blessed and a blessing along the way.”
I love this short “A Trip, A Temptation, and a Text” which ponders Jesus being led into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil. We too, have to listen to the voices of promise and seduction and learn to discern which is which. One offers assurance, the other mocks.
“We begin our Lenten journey,” Walter writes, “addressed by the remarkable assurance that the God who summons us is the God who goes along with us.”
Invitation to Solitude and SIlence: Experiencing God’s Transforming Presence Ruth Haley Barton (IVP) $25.99 // OUR SALE PRICE = $20.79
I wanted to list this here, now, in case any of our friends from Duke are reading along. You may recall I referred to this more than once and read a long excerpt about Elijah. (I also commended the recent Trinity Forum conversation with Cherie Harder and Ruth, which is well worth listening to or reading the transcript that TF provides at the link.) Ruth’s moving stories about her own life, growing into the need for solitude and the complexities of finding rhythms of silence, linked to key Bible teachings about “being still” and “knowing” make this one of the great resources for anyone interested in deepening their own spirituality. I heartily recommend any and all of Barton’s books, but this one is seminal, vital, very important for us all.
Invitation to Solitude and Silence isn’t a Lenten book as such, but it does seem that in the next few weeks we may want to build extra time into our lives to seek an encounter with God, and reading this book will give you both motivation and some structure, what and how to do it. With a forward by the late Dallas Willard, this book is a keeper. As are, for the record, each of her other important books. Start here, though.
Holy Solitude: Lenten Reflection with Saints, Hermits, Prophets, and Rebels Heidi Haverkamp (WJK) $14.00 // OUR SALE PRICE = $11.29
This is another book that focuses on the habits of silence, designed especially for busy, contemporary Christians in these complicated days. A great Lenten resource, this shows how solitude is life-giving and how that “still, small voice” of God can transform us for a life of faith and service.
Haverkamp is a writer, preacher, retreat leader and an Episopal priest. She is a Benedictine oblate at Holy Wisdom Monastery near Madison, Wisconsin (a place my own Presbyterian adult daughter has visited more than once.) Faith and resistance, prayer and politics? This is it! She draws on ancient saints of the church and offers very practical guidance about fasting and silence and simple rituals of self-care and service. Nice.
From Wilderness to Glory: Lent and Easter for Everyone N. T. Wright (WJK) $18.00 // OUR SALE PRICE = $14.40
For those who like their devotional reading straight up Biblical, and maybe are a tad wary of some of the more mystical encounters or think Brueggemann is too evocative and poetic and progressively interested in the Biblical teaching about economics, this, maybe, is a reliable guide for you. N.T. Wright, of course, is one of the preeminent New Testament scholars who has written both academic commentaries (and major works on historiography and readable books about public theology and cultural engagement.) His lay-reader, accessible commentaries are found in a series called New Testament for Everyone where he has incisive reflections on each book of the New Testament.
Drawn from those popular “For Everyone” commentaries, this From Wilderness to Glory has Bible reflection carefully chosen that highlights not only the meaning of the text but how contemporary Christians might encounter God and experience discipleship today. There are thoughtful questions for reflection or discussion, too. Carefully reflecting on the life and teachings of our Master really is a good habit these next weeks and this is a very reliable guidebook.
Prone to Wander: A Lenten Journey with Women in the Wilderness Joanna Harader (Herald Press) $16.99 // OUR SALE PRICE = $13.59
I know I’ve celebrated this before but as I was doing my Lenten class online I kept speaking about the wilderness. Both the literary deserts and wilderness settings in the Bible stories but the metaphoric spaces of emptiness and disorientation. Call it liminal or Lenten, we all face seasons of uncertainty and desolation, knowing (at our best, anyway) that this paves the way for God to show up, big time. God meets us in the wilderness, they say, and that is the very theme of this book.
This includes stories of doubt and questioning, of “dryness and distance” — and, with Harader’s guidance, “we can find guideposts for the inevitable wilderness times in our own lives.”
This lovely book explores the stories of biblical women who encounter “parched and desolate places.” It is, by the way, written by the same author and in the same style as Expecting Emmanuel, her beloved Advent devotional. Like that one, it is illustrated expertly by Michell Burkholder, who created hand-cut paper artwork for the volume.
Listen to Isaac Villegas (author of the brand new Migrant God) who writes,
“These pages will renew your capacity to recognize the signs and wonders of God’s provision, sometimes as close as the hand of a friend or the generosity of a stranger.”
The Wood Between the Worlds: A Poetic Theology of the Cross Brian Zahnd (IVP) $24.00 // OUR SALE PRICE = $19.20
I have highlighted this spectacular book before and, again, must admit that it is so good that I wish I had time and capacity to do a major review. It is, in short, one of the best books about the theology of the cross that I have ever read. It is luminous and well-written, but not fanciful or chatty. It is lovely and rich, a bit deeper than some evangelical books these days, and draws deeply on the broad range of thinkers (and writers and artists and pastors) from across the spectrum of the Church down through the ages. From early church fathers to Dostoevsky, from N.T. Wright and Fleming Rutledge to James Cone, he draws together many streams into this waterfall of a book, bringing living water aplenty. I can hardly say enough about it.
A main point for Zahnd, one which I have felt and tried to embrace for decades, is that mere theology alone (especially the sort of at is systematic and precise, offering propositions of dogma that sums up such grand mysteries as the Cross in a succinct sentence) are not only inadequate — such huge matters push us to poetry and doxology and worship — bit also wrong-headed. Summing up the endlessly multi-dimensional beauty of the cross in one summarizing doctrine, or abstracting it as one part of “four spiritual laws” or a mere stop on the Romans Road does violence to how God has revealed this epic moment of self-revelation.
The cross, above all, is the clearest revelation of who God is, in Christ, who died.
No one can say (well, I suppose they can say it but it would be seriously unfair) that Zahn has a low view of the cross because he refused to reduce it to a simple atonement theory. No one can properly say that Zahn isn’t Biblical. He is exceptionally grounded in the Bible story, praising the God of Scripture, grateful that God is seen in the person of Jesus. His death and resurrection is the climax of the Scriptural story and the pivot point in history. This rumination on it all is extraordinary.
Secondly, besides this expansive and appropriately multi-faceted theo-poetic approach, there is another stylistic method: each chapter, which holds before us a certain aspect of “the wood between the worlds”, engages a particular writer. From Bonhoeffer’s Cost of Discipleship to Cone’s (Christ and the Lynching Tree, from Hilarion Alfeyev to Rene Girard, Zahnd masterfully weaves their insights into his multi-faceted framework. There is a chapter (“One Ring to Rule Them All” that LOTR and Tolkien fans will love — he interacts with Fleming Rutledge’s magisterial The Battle for Middle Earth) and another plays with John Coltrane (yep the chapter is “A Love Supreme.”) His “God on the Gallows” section starts with a recollection of the gruesome chapter about the abuse and death of children in The Brothers Karamazov but quickly moves to interact with Night by Elite Wiesel. This is neither incidental or frivolous (not even the great quote from “Southern Man” by Neil Young) but deeply integral to his project. Of assembling and honoring the plurality of insights.
And he’s such a good writer, he offers it with profound insight without lapsing into academic parlance. At least he mostly avoids the dense stuff, making these big theories of atonement and sacrifice and paschal drama so very, very real.
And, not surprisingly (you already noticed that he writes about Cone) he allows his Biblically-based, Trinitarian, Christ-centered exploration on the cross to shape what we might call his entire worldview, his social imagination, his public theology. He has a chapter drawing on Shane Claiborne’s Executing Grace in which he ponders questions about capital punishment. There is a chapter about war — he writes movingly on John Lennon’s song with the chorus “War is over (if you want it)” — and shows how the cross is central to the Christian’s call to peacemaking. That succinct chapter is breathtaking in how it draws on the early church fathers, Orthodox theologians and pushes us to realize the horrific and even suicidal nature of modern warfare. I commend it to you for your consideration.
Alongside Pastor Zahnd’s interaction with works of great literature and his ability to play with key insights from various heavy thinkers, he also interacts with visual artists, some well known — Matthias Grunewald, Fra Angelico, Hieronymus Bosch — others that you may or may not know. From frescos to icons to classic paintings, these are all reproduced in full color. (That IVP offers this book at such a reasonable hardback price makes this even nicer as it is a handsome volume you will spend much time with, I’m sure.) If you have not heard or maybe need reminded that the cross of Christ really is the supreme centerpiece of God’s love, revealing not the anger of God but the mercies of God, this thoughtful, intellectually rigorous but warm book, written with much love, is a must.
Entering the Passion of Jesus: A Beginners Guide to Holy Week and Witness at the Cross: A Beginners Guide to Holy Friday Amy-Jill Levine (Abingdon Press) $16.99 and $17.99 // OUR SALE PRICES = $13.59 and $14.39
I cannot say too much about these other than to remind you that Amy-Jill is an upbeat and vivacious communicator, a strong writer, a tad snarky, and a Jewish scholar of Jesus. While she remains active in her local synagogue, her day job is teaching mostly Christian seminarians at Vanderbilt Divinity School. Except for a few more academic ones, most of her books are for ordinary readers and she remains popular, especially among mainline denominational folk who appreciate understanding our texts about Jesus from the viewpoint of a Jewish woman who knows much about the first century world.
In Entering the Passion of Jesus it says on the back that she “delves into the history and literature surrounding the last days of Jesus’s life and sets the narrative in historical context.” Many will enjoy how she humanizes the main characters of the plot and how she analyzes the risks and motives of the story’s characters. In the more recent Witness at the Cross she has “brought to life the characters who the Gospels tell us were witnesses to the Crucifixion.”
Dr. Levine offers a close reading of the important New Testament texts, evaluating them in light of her understanding of first century Judaism and her knowledge of the Roman Empire and its politics and methods. She has a strong, respectful, and some would say very helpful (nonChristian) bias, of course, which is part of the fun of these provocative studies.
Her latest book, by the way, is The Gospel of John: A Beginner’s Guide to the Way, the Truth, and the Life (Abingdon; $18.99 // OUR SALE PRICE = $15.19) which stands nicely alongside her other paperbacks on Jesus. Let us know if you need a list…
Fight Like Jesus: How Jesus Waged Peace Throughout Holy Week Jason Porterfield (Herald Press) $17.99 // OUR SALE PRICE = $14.39
I have raved about this before and seriously recommended it to one and all. It is a study of the details, teachings, and subtle moves of Holy Week that is unlike anything else you’ve read. It is provocative and it is helpful. Agree fully or not, I highly recommend it for your consideration.
Porterfield, who has lived among the poor in urban spots in North America and in the poorest slums of Indonesia, wants to recover the radical vision of peacemaking that Jesus taught and embodied, especially in Holy Week. By this exploration of what we now call Palm Sunday and onward, we will study why Jesus Himself wept over Jerusalem. (You know why, don’t you. Through his holy, righteous tears, Jesus lamented “If only you knew the things that made for peace.” If only.
Reading this might please Jesus who continues to weep, I am sure, as we continue to fail to be peacemakers (at home, at work, in our public spaces, and in the world of wars.) In eight solid chapters Fight Like Jesus shows us insights to which we most likely haven’t paid adequate attention.
Two models or approaches to making peace pervade these texts of Holy Week and Porterfield expertly examines them both, helping us become trained in the way of Jesus. Many these days have adopted language about “practicing the way” and this will help us do just that. Perhaps through Flight Like Jesus will we “discover anew why he is called the Prince of Peace.” At the very least you will deepen your own understanding of Holy Week and be nudged towards more serious fidelity to Christ and His ways.
Praying the Stations of the Cross: Finding Hope in a Weary Land Margaret Adams Parker & Katherine Sonderegger (Eerdmans) $24.99 // OUR SALE PRICE = $19.99
We have several small books — some Roman Catholic, but not all — on the custom of praying through the key events of Jesus’s last day, what is commonly called “The Stations of the Cross.” Most have artful presentations or illustrations. Even if you don’t walk through the locations in a church, reading through these stations can be very rewarding.
There is no better book for this purpose than this hardback masterpiece by the famous and beloved Epsiopalian theology professor and writer Katherine Sonderegger educator and artist Margaret Adams Parker. This is a profound and spiritually captivating book that will — through their collaboration with word and visuals — (in the words of Bishop Michael Curry) “offer “refreshment, and those in need of spiritual nourishment will be amply satisfied.” A preacher and an artist offer what Ellen Davis calls “the appalling and praiseworthy story of Jesus’s saving death made plain in word and image.” What a book.
Inspired by this book a year ago we invited people in our own medium-sized Presbyterian church to draw or paint or sculpt or build something for one of the stations, and we had the artists read the Biblical text and speak about their work week by week through Lent, showing them all together during Holy Week of last year. We were pleased how God worked through these mostly unprofessional artisans and it just goes to show what ideas come up when you spend time with a good book. Hooray.
The Deepest Place: Suffering and the Formation of Hope Curt Thompson (Zondervan) $29.99 // OUR SALE PRICE = $23.99
This is another rich and invaluable title that is not a Lenten title as such but certainly resonates with this theme of caring for our deepest selves and honoring the pain we feel for our own broken lives and for the horrid sadness of this broken world. With the political crisis at home and the wars and the cut off of life-saving aid to so many thousands, who among us isn’t troubled, perhaps longing for some fresh word about pain and grief, resilience and hope? I think I quipped in my Zoom Lenten class that we cannot give ourselves away to a needy world if we are not in some measure healed ourselves. There is, during Lenten, both a journey inward and a journey outward, and it seems Curt’s wise book covers so much that comes up as we pursue with greater care our Lenten habits and practices.
Thompson is an excellent communicator and writer and a respected psychiatrist. His first books showed a particular expertise in the interface of neurology and faith formation; Anatomy of a Soul is a great paperback introduction for beginners of a faithful study of neuroscience and how knowing a bit about how we are wired can help us grow as people and as Christians; his second and third books are simply stunning and among my favorites — The Soul of Shame and The Soul of Desire, both published in hardback by IVP. Now, in this one, he dives deeper into the topic of suffering and as I said in a previous review, man, was I wrong in thinking little new needed to be said about their perennial topic. It is wise and gracious and moving and thoughtful and, I want to say, ideal for Lenten reading.
Hope, by the way, grows best in community. Learn why by reading this remarkable study.
In The Deepest Place, Curt Thompson once again guides us into goodness with the hallmark gentleness and acumen we’ve come to trust in his books. Curt so beautifully translates incredibly complex insights about the human body, soul, and relationships into words that welcome us into wholeness. The Deepest Place will pierce your imagination with the possibility that your groans and grief really might be the place you encounter your greatest glory. — K. J. Ramsey, trauma therapist, author of The Book of Common Courage and The Lord Is My Courage
Hope in Times of Fear: The Resurrection and the Meaning of Easter Timothy Keller (Penguin) $17.00 // OUR SALE PRICE = $13.60
Okay I’ll admit, this one is more about the resurrection accounts of Jesus in the gospels and what they mean for us than on the classic Lenten texts or the Holy Week story. Yet, it seems to me to be a good Lenten read (or, yes, obviously, in the season of Eastertide) because of the very title — this applies the confidence of the new creation promised by God through the death and resurrection of Christ and vindicated by his historical resurrection (with eye witness accounts) to this world of fear and hardship.
It is no secret that the late Tim Keller succumbed to the pancreatic cancer that took his life a few years ago. He wrote this book while coming with his own fears and impending death. Also, it is clear he wrote this in a time of great social upheaval, of polarization and fear, with so many dying of Covid, and “the loss of vision for a shared common good.”
How can we survive this moment together, he asked, as he wrote in 2020 into 2021. If the resurrection accounts hold the key to the hope we need as we face “the desperation of daily life”, then Hope in Times of Fear is a much-needed study. As it says on the back cover
Easter reminds the world that Jesus was physically resurrected from the dead, and that we can be spiritually resurrected and reborn. This is because the resurrection of Christ brings the future power of God — that will someday heal and renew the entire world — into our lives now.
This is not a naive hope or an utopian sort of idealism.
He shows how the resurrection can shape every aspect of our lives — “our inner emotional lives, our relationships, our pursuit of justice, and our attitudes towards history and even death itself.” Set within the loss of hopefulness in Western culture, this is an exceedingly important book.
This is one of the finest studies of the implications of Easter and, especially since it was written in a time of fraught fears and heavy burdens, it is especially urgent for today. Keller most likely knew it would be his final book. If you are a fan of Keller, obviously, you don’t want to miss this. If you haven’t read him, this is an excellent place to start.
Easter: The Season of the Resurrection of Jesus Wesley Hill (IVP) $20.00 // OUR SALE PRICE = $16.00
The newest in the great “Fullness of Time” series of hand-sized, succinct hardbacks, Easter is, I suppose, the one many of us have been waiting for. Advent, Christmastime, Epiphany, Pentecost and Lent have all been done (with Ordinary Time coming next year) and yet we’ve been especially eager for this. How excited and glad I was when I heard that Wes Hill was invited to write it. Edited by Esau McCaulley, each of these have been very good, each in their own way, by robust practitioners of the distinctive habits of the church year. Each offers a historical and theological overview of the church season under consideration and draws out practical stuff to do in order to more appropriately and fruitfully experience the blessings of each particular season of the liturgical calendar.
Easter, the season of resurrection, of course, carries a message and realty that we can simply never get enough of. Obviously I hope nearly everyone on our mailing list orders this. It’s that important, and Wes Hill does such a fine job, it deserves your attention. I mean that.
As I started to read Easter: The Season of the Resurrection of Jesus I’ll admit to you, dear readers, that I was a tad reluctant. I wanted to read this fresh, for the first time, on Easter. Alas, an occupational hazard here on the frontlines of bookselling, I had to read it early. I suspect if you order it from us now you just might succumb as well. It is so good.
Hill starts with a moving story (at least it was moving to me; I’ll admit to shedding some tears) of a grand Easter Vigil service where key points of the unfolding covenantal drama of the whole Bible are read in darkness, with the service timed so that the Easter shouts are timed with the rising of the sun, a multi-sensory experience of this new life breaking into human history. Deeply Scriptural and yet liturgically performative, he unpacks this telling of this experience (it doesn’t hurt that N.T. Wright was the Bishop in that church that chilly English early morn) and it reminded me of how some of friends and loved ones who prefer a higher church worship experience are on to something rich. Words can hardly explain the world-shaking and momentous significance of this death-to-life victory pascha, so perhaps the high drama of liturgy is a wise way to celebrate; he draws on a famous argument by Beth Manard for this that is notable. In any case, the opening of the book was captivating, rich, informative and moving.
Professor Hill — who has written a fascinating book on the Trinity in the writings of Paul and a recent small one on the Lord’s Prayer (The Lord’s Prayer: A Guide to Praying the Our Father published handsomely by Lexham; $18.99 // OUR SALE PRICE = $15.19) — teaches at Western Theological Seminary and knows his stuff. Happily, though, his two chapters on the Biblical basis of the resurrection stories (in the four gospels and Acts) are well told, interesting, and a helpful reminder for those of us who know all four stories well but haven’t taken the time to do a close comparison. Nice.
The rest of the book developed themes of the historicity of the bodily resurrection, why the early church did their baptisms on Easter, hinting at the deeper meaning of it all, and a nice reminder of the reason we have fifty days of Eastertide feasts and celebrations (not to mention some lovely reminders to go all out in joyful partying in this season.) There is a chapter called “World Upside Down” on the wholistic nature of the gospel — word and deed, evangelism and justice, charity and social change — informed by a John Stott-esque, Kingdom vision of embodying hope for the real world. He moves to talk about Ascension (which I didn’t expect but for which I am very, very glad, convinced that it is not given the attention it is due.)
The footnotes are captivating and informative (always a mark of a good book) citing rare ancient text, well known church fathers, modern liturgical thinkers (hooray for Alexander Schumann!) and well known theologians from Calvin to Wesley to Barth to Rahner, and creative writers from George Herbert to Gerard Manley Hopkins to Supper of the Lamb writer priest and chef, Robert Farrar Capon. In other words, it’s a great, great, read.
He ends the book with the chapter “Let Him Easter in Us” (a nod to a line by Hopkins) and the homily offers four things we can take away from the Easter season. My saying it now makes it wound trite but it is not, although it is succinct. I love this last chapter and commend it to you, to be read and re-read over the months to come. Order it soon, please.
Especially if you are interested in the rituals and symbols of the liturgical calendar and why certain churches make a big deal about this season, you will be delighted to learn. But, after all, every Christian tradition affirms the central importance of Easter, right? Maybe you should order a few extras to share.
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Hearts & Minds 234 East Main Street Dallastown PA 17313
As of March 2025 we are closed for in-store browsing.
We are doing our curb-side and back yard customer service and can show any number of items to you if you call us from our back parking lot. We’ve got tables set up out back and can bring things right to you car. It’s sort of fun, actually. We are eager to serve and grateful for your patience. We are very happy to help, so if you are in the area, do stop by. We love to see friends and customers.
We will keep you posted about our future plans… Pray for us.