NEW EDITION of After College JUST OUT – FEBRUARY 2025. Hooray.
Our dear friend and esteemed leader in campus ministry, Erica Young Reitz, has been working hard these past years mentoring adults moving out of college and into their post-college young adult years. As she honed her insights for this newer generation of rising adults, equipping them to make the transition well, she needed to revise and expand her classic, one-of-a-kind After College book. This bright new edition came out not long ago and we have a big stack here — on sale! — for your ordering pleasure. Her newly revised edition of After College goes usually for $18.00 but we have it at 20% off. Scroll down to the bottom of this column and click on the order tab which will take you to our secure order form at our Hearts & Minds website. Thanks.
After College: Navigating Transitions, Relationships, and Faith (revised edition) Erica Young Reitz (IVP) $18.00 OUR SALE PRICE = $14.40
By the way, for those that might want to know more about Erica and her work, she will be a special guest on an upcoming “Three Books from Hearts & Minds” podcast, airing, I’m hoping, mid-to late April. As always, that can be viewed at YouTube or listened to at Apple podcasts or on Spotify. We’ll share those links at the Hearts & Minds facebook page as well.
HERE IS OUR OLD REVIEW FROM WHEN THE FIRST EDITION CAME OUT. AFTER OUR INTERVIEW WITH HER ON THE UPCOMING PODCAST (in April 2025) I HOPE TO DO ANOTHER FRESH BOOKNOTES REVIEW HIGHLIGHTING THIS BRAND NEW 2025 EDITION. For now, re-read this older announcement and know you can easily order the new, updated edition from us now.
This is a little review we did prior to this book coming out, inviting folks to pre-order it. After College: Navigating Transitions, Relations, and Faith is now available and we are so glad. We had a little “launch party” for the book out near Pittsburgh with some of Erica’s colleagues in the CCO in late July. Now, we are sending it all over the country as folks are giving it to college seniors or those who have recently graduated. I can’t tell you how glad I am to promote this, how good it is, how very well done. It is a “must read” for those leaving college and a fine read for college seniors. Give it now this semester or wait til Spring semester nearer graduation but do give it away to any college students you know who are soon leaving college and who want to honor God in healthy and sound ways.
After College: Navigating Transitions, Relationships and Faith by Erica Young Reitz (IVP) $16.00
Hearts & Minds SALE PRICE $14.40
Erica is a dear friend, and has done campus ministry for years. We have had the joy of watching her enter into sincere friendships with her college-age friends, and we have watched as they’ve often grown into remarkable young adults with a coherent vision for their lives, relating their faith to all of life, and serving Christ’s Kingdom in work, relationships, church and world. What good fruit her ministry has born. I cannot understate how much Beth and I admire, respect and appreciate her.
And we know she is not only a good campus worker, a friend to many and an exceptionally thoughtful young woman, she is a great writer, too. She reads widely, quotes fine authors and important books and yet writes from her heart, out of her experiencing mentoring young adults and teaching this material.
offers practical tools for a life of faithfulness and flourishing during
a critical, transitional time. Erica has become a bit of an expert on the transition from college into the so-called “real world.” She has spoken about this topic at other churches and at the big Jubilee conference in Pittsburgh, sponsored by the CCO, for whom she works.
And, yes, you may recall, we drew upon her good storytelling, sensible vision, and practical experience to offer a down-to-Earth epilogue for my own book, Serious Dreams: Bold Ideas for the Rest of Your Life. A number of folks said they enjoyed her brief piece there as much as the larger and perhaps more serious contributions by famous speakers, authors, and Christian thought-leaders. I was honored that she was willing to craft that afterword for my book, and now I’m delighted — thrilled, really — to tell you about her own book. It came out the first week of August 2016 and, along with Serious Dreams (naturally) it will be one of the essential books for college graduates.
Here is something I subsequently wrote about After College.
Erica is one of the most gifted and insightful and caring campus workers
we know, and we’ve watched her over the years as she developed a
program at Penn State University to help college seniors prepare to exit
well, to transition out of their academic experience and into the
so-called “real world.” Her program has been immensely valuable for
many, and in this new book she offers insight learned in those years
with seniors preparing for the post-college years. She offers stories,
insight, guidance and the clear voice of a stable, trusted friend as
from a wise older sister, inviting young adults to take their faith
seriously in their 20-something years.
I can’t say enough good things about Erica’s book… it is very well written, very interesting, a just jam-packed loaded with all kinds of really good information and advice. It
will help those who are confused or hurting or those who are well on their way to exciting new prospects. It is designed really for anyone who is seeking a lasting faith, meaningful vocations, and a renewed passion for honoring God in the way their young adult years unfold.
Congratulations, Erica, and thank you for sharing your wisdom and good, good writing.
Order After College: Navigating Transitions, Relationships and Faith by Erica Young Reitz from us now at a BookNotes 10% off savings. It is regularly $16.00 and our BookNotes price is $14.40. PLEASE SEE NEW PRICE ABOVE FOR THE NEW EXPANDED EDITION at 20% OFF.
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