Many months—I can’t say every month—I do a longer list, a bigger essay, or some more substantive reviews than the blog posts permit. Check out the September bibliography where I review and annotate a handful of new books on spirituality. It’s a good, diverse, list, something for everyone. May you experience God’s presence and know Christ’s peace in these warm days of waning summer.
Here are a just a few covers of a few of the ones I tell about. See the whole list here. Check out the good discount too.
Phyllis Tickle said Mystically Wired was “hands down” the best book on prayer she ever read! And she prays more than most mortals, and reads more, too,

Life in the Spirit is an anthology of a batch of wise and thoughtful papers delivered at an important conference at Wheaton on the interface of theology and spirituality. Over at my review, I rave. Very important!
This book shown on the right is one of the most lovely, informed, and helpful books about Benedictine spirituality I’ve ever read. Written by a sensible Presbyterian pastor, too. Very, very nice.
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